The Art of Teaching (Erasmus+)

The Art of Teaching is an Erasmus+ project in the field of continuous adult education that aims to train primary school teachers in the use of dramatic methods in the classroom. Through four modules developed jointly by Taka Tuka (project leader) from Slovenia, IFANT from Austria, and Theatre Tirena, teachers from Slovenia, Austria and Croatia will have the opportunity to become familiar with various dramatic techniques that can be used in the curriculum, in planning class meetings, in cross-curricular civic education topics, in workshops with parents and students, and in personal development. 

Within the framework of the project, meetings are held alternately in three countries, with the participation of teachers from the partner schools: Elementary School Ivan Gundulić from Zagreb, Volksschule Coreneliussgasse from Vienna and the Institute for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing from Ljubljana. The project is also supervised by the partner organisation EDUCULT from Vienna, which is responsible for evaluation, and Emporium from Slovenia, which is responsible for programming support for the development of digital tools, which are also being developed as part of the project.

The project is funded by the EU through the Erasmus+ programme and will run for 36 months, from January 2022 to December 2024.

Project holder: Taka Tuka

Partners: IFANT (Austria) i Teatar Tirena (Croatia)

Project duration: january 2022. – december 2024.

The project is funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme.