Polaznici našeg dramskog studija sudjelovat će u Erasmus+ projektu "LET'S NET" u Srbiji i surađivati s vršnjacima iz Slovenije i Srbije!

LET’S NET is a project developed in the still tense region of ex-Yugoslavia, with an aim to support youth groups who practice theatre to reinforce social dimension of their work and widen their focus, activity scope and agenda. Three groups: BAZAART from Serbia, Theatre Tirena from Croatia and Office 4 from Slovenia, each with particular strong skills, exchange experiences and build their competences for creative, educational and social action.

Total 30 young adults, age over 18, meet in Užice to work for 7 days (1-10. September 2017.) on competence-building through interactive drama/theatre devising and debate workshops. At the end, groups devise short pieces designed to provoke public discussions, involving the audience, aimed at building public opinion and attitude on important social issues.
The project contributes to stronger involvement of youth groups in society development and their closer connecting to the cultural, educational and social work sectors in their communities. The youth sector is strengthened and collaborative relations in the region are restored, assisting to the European integration processes in the Western Balkans.